A Recipe for Adventurous Living - Scout Often

Welcome Adventurers One & All!
Scout Inflatables is pleased to announce the launch of our Brand Ambassadors blog page. Join us here to learn about our exploits and experience utilizing Scout boats, SUP's and accessories. Be sure to let us know if you have any burning questions about our trips, travel planning, products usage, etc.
Over the course of my career as a natural resources professional, I have lived and worked in dozens of communities in the continental United States. As a student of the land, I do my best to embrace what each region has to offer. The same goes for outdoor recreation. When in Rome, outdoor re-create as the Romans would do. I am a recreation generalist that dabbles in many forms, whatever it takes for me to be outside year-round. My resume includes over 7,000 miles of solo backcountry travel in three countries and too many states to list, as well as boating, rafting, kayaking, fishing, biking and trail running.
When I relocated to South Texas, and converted into a full-time RV lifestyle, I had to find just the right boat to meet my needs. I wanted to get out and explore the local rivers, bays and estuaries, year-round. I wanted a setup that I could manage assembling and portaging on my own, with room for my dog to come along for the ride. For security and ease of moving, I wanted the boat and equipment to be able to be stored in the underbelly of my fifth-wheel RV. I also needed it to be affordable. I only wanted to own one boat, so, like me the boat, must be a generalist, capable of performing well in the majority of potential boating environments.
The Scout boat was my choice and it continues to meet and exceed my expectations!
This winter, we initiated a local Meetup group - Coastal Bend Paddlers & Explorers. With over 40 members now, we organize boating adventures in the region several times each month. Come join us if you are in the neighborhood or search meetup.com for boating groups near you.
No matter where you live or what time of year it is, there is always some form of outdoor recreation available to you if you are willing to Scout it out!!